Saturday, July 29, 2017

40k 8th Edition: First Impressions


Rejoice for Geedubs learned from AoS's failure on launch and didn't make a repeat on 40k.
I really enjoy the simplicity of the rules. It doesn't feel unfinished like AoS and is relatively easy to introduce to new players.
The removal of AV and the return of armor modifiers is welcoming to me. This helps eliminate the "tier list" of the armies assures that every unit can be eliminated by any other unit (7e terminators vs. Orks... lol).
Out of my 3 dozen or so games of 8th, I can say that this is the best balance of 40k at launch I've ever seen and it is the most enjoyment I've gotten from 40k in awhile.
I have fought every army now and none seem OTT.
I'm looking quite foward to the release of the new codexes (Spehss Marines releases today). The indexes were a blanket of compatibility for 8e and I was quite angry at first at the loss of uniqueness of each individual chapter / legion at launch. But they IMMEDIATELY  stated that these indexes are a filler for <1 year until the codexes are released. Which should re-instate uniqueness back in to the game.

Overall I'm very excited about this edition and looking forward for the codex releases. I'm also hoping for new CSM models for my Black Legion army (Abaddon can legally hit the bar up with me).

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hello! Soon to come are tactics for the beloved knights of Bretonnia,  the holy and pure Grey Knights, the corrupt and twisted warriors of chaos! Happy Spess Mahrines weekend! 30 years of neckbeards having fun.


Greetings Warhammer Fantasy and 40k fans! I am Sir Trout here to give you my opinion on army units, tactics, etc. I will accept requests in the comments for a review of something in particular.  If my opinions piss you off, leave. Don't spam the comments and simply leave.  Anyway, about myself. I am an avid warhammer player who just got into 40k because Geedubs blew up the old world for a child's game. I fish and hunt a lot and enjoy playing games on steam (40k Eternal Crusade anyone?)
Armies I collect for warhammer fantasy are:
Dark Elves
High Elves
Warriors of Chaos
Daemons of Chaos
Vampire Counts
Wood Elves

Warhammer 40k:
Grey Knights
Chaos Daemons

These armies I will know particularly well. I have an army book for every whfb 8th edition army but need to get more of the 40k ones. I also request critique of my rating system.
P.S. I hate Age of Sigmar so please don't ask me to review it. There's nothing to review because everything is op when you take enough of it. Although I may review a model or make fun of something like GODBEASTS.