Bretonnia Army Review

Army Special Rules
The Blessing of the Lady- The Bretonnian army may pray after deployment is finished. If they do, the opponent of the Bretonnian army may choose whether to go first or second. The prayer grants all units and their mounts that don't have the peasant's duty a 6+ ward save. The ward save is increased to a 5+ if the strength of the attack is 5 or greater. This is an amazing rule. The lowliest knight errant to the highest lord have this stock. This is what makes our paladins the greatest generic heroes in the game. You will rarely be buying a ward save for your characters. This also applies to damsels and prophetesses of the lady. It can also be lost if you flee for any reason or turn down a challenge. It doesn't effect units with the peasant's duty. 

Lance Formation- This here is why Bretonnian cavalry is the best in the game.  It allows you to deploy knights 3 wide for ranks. It provides protection to your wizards because they are placed in the center rank. Every knight and horse in the front rank and outside of the lance formation to attack with all of their profile attacks. Characters must always be placed in the front rank, except for wizards. Because of this rule,  you can jam two lances into one combat making it much easier to break your opponent. It also gives you rank bonus for every three knights to help break steadfast. Be wary of your flanks as they are massive. Best size is 9 to 12 knights total,  including characters. Without this rule, our knights would be overpriced rubbish. 

Purebred Warhorse- The Bretonnian knights do not pay the -1 movement penalty for barding. Great rule that allows you to gain an edge on charge distance over other heavy cavalry. 

Aura of the Lady- Bretonnian damsels have MR1 and prophetesses have MR2 stock. This combines with the blessing to give your knights good ward saves against magical attacks. Don't forget this, as I have many times in the past.

The Knight's Vow- Knights with this vow are immune to panic caused by peasants.

The Questing Vow-  The Knight's Vow with the addition of rerolling failed fear or terror tests. Knight's with this vow cannot use mundane or magical lances. This vow has some extremely good magic items that require it. I feel that this vow is kind of redundant because the bsb allows you to reroll all failed leadership tests. Great vow for monster hunting or a paladin on a pegasus with the insignia of the quest.

The Grail Vow- ItP and the knight always starts the game with the blessing, regardless of if the army prays or not. The knight's attacks are also magical.

The Peasant's Duty- Allows peasant units to use a unit of knights' leadership if they are within 12". Great for making M@As stick around to grind bestigors and the likes.

Knights Errant- Young knights eager to earn glory. They are WS3 with 1 attack, the blessing, 2+AS and are impetuous. Impetuous forces you to charge if at the end of the charge phase there is a unit within charge range on a failed leadership test. This also gives them ItP on a turn that they charged. Knights errant only cost 10 skaven slaves a pop and are outstanding for the price. You will usually be hitting on 4s with this unit so I recommend a paladin to keep the Ld7 KE under control and to add more damage. They can also take the errantry banner that grants them +1s on the turn they charge for S6! This comes at a cost of -2 leadership when testing for impetuous.  I always run one lance of 11 plus a knightly temper paladin with the errantry banner at <2500 points. Also come with a free champion and cheap command like all knights of Bretonnia. 
Verdict: A  great unit that every army should have one or two units of to use as a steadfast breaker or a disposable unit. Just don't go overboard with too many because WS3 isn't that reliable and neither is Ld7 on impetuous. 8/10

Knights of the Realm- Your main knight unit. Faq removed 1+ requirement. A solid knight unit with +1WS and Ld over the errants. Will likely be hitting on 3s or 4s and will be your main knight unit. Try to fight WS3 targets to hit on 3+. If you are fighting a WS4 unit, your better off charging with errants since both units will hit on 4s and the errants are cheaper. The normal bretonnian gear and special rules.
Verdict: These knights are the backbone of the army. Much more reliable than errants but are not ItP on the charge and cannot get S6 from a banner. Support them with magic or more knights. Also make great character bunkers because of the lack of impetuous.
Just remember to not always take the easy charge and get bogged down. 8/10

Peasant Bowmen- Longbow wielding peasants with average ballistic skill and come with a free fence to protect the trebuchets behind them. The entire unit can take flaming attacks for 5 points! With their 30" range and flaming attacks, hit a chimera with a wound and follow up with a trebuchet to kill it. For only 3 skaven slaves, this is a cost effective archer unit that can whittle down the hoards of enemies so that your knights can break them. They can also borrow nearby knight leadership to save them, but this will rarely happen as this unit will be in your backfield.
Verdict: A good archer unit that will support your knights as best as possible with their flaming S3 attacks.  Recommend 2 units of 10 at the very least to act as meatshields for the two trebuchets behind them.  8/10

Men-At-Arms- Peasant infantry that are half the speed of your knights but come kitted out with halberds light armor and shields. They can swap their halberds out for spears,  but a bunch of WS2 S3 attacks won't do shit. Give them the blessing via prayer icon of Quenelles or they are not effective for the points. Recommend a large steadfast brick with the prayer icon in every list. Their miserable leadership can be fixed by the peasant's duty.
Verdict: A weak infantry unit that will win grinds against units like executioners if they have the prayer icon.  If not, then you are better off fielding knights. 7.5/10 with icon. 4/10 without.

Pegasus Knights- The best fast cavalry in the game right here. Fliers with 3+AS and the blessing  (remember that the blessing is lost if you flee) that are T4 wit 2 wounds a piece. These guys can take a hit. They also rape warmachines and skaven (flank or rear charge removes their strength from numbers rule). Knight of the Realm statline with a lance and I4! The horse-bird itself has a pair of WS3 S4 attacks at I4 and a stomp! Use pegasus knights to clear chaff, rape warmachines, and clear out annoying support units (Darkshards or Empire Handgunners come to mind). This amazing unit comes at a cost though, at 55 ppm, be careful where you put them. The other negative is that you can only have one unit in an army unless your general is on a royal pegasus.
Verdict: Every bretonnian army needs a unit of these to be competitive. Be careful with their placement and they will serve you well. I wish they had another wound and that you could take more than one unit of them. 10/10.

Questing Knights- Great weapon knights with the Questing Vow anda maximum unit size of 12. 2+ AS that becomes a 3+AS in close combat. Knight of the Realm statline with S4 and I4 is a welcome, but they Always Strike Last due to great weapons. The extra purple fun protection doesn't hurt though. All of this for two skaven slaves more than a kotr. Their vow makes them great at monster hunting, but ke are immune to psychology on the charge and are 4 skaven slaves cheaper and don't have asl. What questing knights bring to the table is reliable S6 every round of combat, something that no other knight in the army can do. Don't forget that they can still use the lance formation. With the lance formation, put three paladins with 1+rerollable armor saves in the front rank to protect the unit. Then put a damsel in the second rank with beasts for a crazy quest star with good resistance to enemy magic. If you roll the savage beasts of horros spell, collect your opponent's tears and drink them slowly. Pann's impenetrable pelt also makes this unit hard to kill. Bring a level 4 of life to heal the paladins and voila. I suggest a level 4 life and two level 2s to pull this off. Make sure they are all not in the same unit so you can utilize their natural magic resistance.
Verdict: Most bretonnian players ignore them because of 3+AS in close combat but they always bring the hurt every round of combat. Without the wall of paladins, I find them to be too squishy for my taste but with the wall, they become unstoppable, especially with the conqueror's tapestry.
5.5/10. 8/10 with the wall (bonus points if you listen to the wall album by pink floyd while using this build).

Mounted Yeomen- Bretonnia's "other" fast cavalry unit. WS3 peasants on M8 diseased horses for 5 points less than a knight errant. Keep this unit cheap and don't expect their bows to actually kill something. Their leadership will see them fleeing at first sight of a monster, but this is fixable because of the peasant's duty. Make them work with the pegasus knights or use them as chaff. I personally don't field them because the models are ancient. If you field them, just be sure to keep them within range of your knights.
Verdict: A cheap fast cavalry unit that works well for chaff. They aren't dark riders but will get the job done regardless. Borderline skub. 4/10

Grail Reliquae- Bretonnia's other infantry unit. Stubborn leadership 8 peasants that don't have halberds and are still WS2. Oh and they cost 9ppm but also get the blessing. I have never fielded this unit because it isn't survivable enough for an anvil and is way too expensive compared to M@As with a prayer icon. They have a purpose but not in any of my lists. 
Verdict: Skub. 2/10.

Field Trebuchet- The greatest stone thrower in warhammer fantasy. 45 skaven slaves gets you a stone thrower with a S5(10) small template shot. I auto-include two in every list because they are cheaper than a solid knight lance and are worth every point. They pack 4 wounds but peasantly leadership and the likelihood of them being away from the knights means that they'll panic and flee whenever they test for it. Put a unit of peasant bowmen in front of them at 6.5" forward to prevent panic and the bowmen's fence will prevent cannonballs from killing the trebuchet. Just be sure of your shots, you do not want to be killing your own knights with these.
Verdict: Hitting 21 swordmasters and killing 19 sounds great. Hitting 12 chaos warriors and killing 10 sounds great. It is also effective at withering hordes down to make them easier for you to break with the knights. One shot on target will easily earn their points back,  and their misfire table isn't as devastating as the black powder table. 10/10

Grail Knights- The finest knights Bretonnia has to offer. 19 skaven slaves gets you 2 WS5 S4 (6 on the charge) attacks striking at I5. They're ItP, but are still leadership 8 and have the regular blessing and a 2+ armor save on top of the usual T3. Fluff-wise they are nearly gods but on the table they're just a RnF type knight unit, sadly. These guys don't need support like the other knights in the army. Just be careful with them, everything your opponent has will be gunning for them. I recommend the banner of defense for a 4+ward against missiles of S5+(including magic missiles). This will prevent cannonballs, stone throwers, bolt throwers, and organ/ volley guns from decimating them. I do not recommend a mage in this unit because if she miscasts it will be costly. Always try to take a unit of these guys so that your opponent must decide whether to target the grails or the general's unit. And the fact that a lance of 12 put out 19 S6 WS5 attacks on the charge.
Too bad they're capped at 12 knights per unit and only one unit per army.
Verdict: Pricy for a 1 wound model with the same survivability of a knight errant. But a knight errant's damage output is nowhere near these guys. After picking up two trebuchets, get a lance of these guys. They will fuck up ethereals and put a hurt on everything else. 8/10

That raps up part two, as you can see Bretonnia doesn't have a lot of choices to work with, but the ones that they have are good. Stay around for what really makes Bretonnia kick ass in 8th edition, magic items, and Bretonnia's are the best in the game. 

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